Research continues to demonstrate that our mental and physical health is affected by what we eat. As a result, more and more people are turning to a clinical nutrition expert and lifestyle health coach to help manage health problems and improve the way they feel. Confusion still surrounds the right approach to healthy eating and people are seeking a way to sift through the range of messages, to find a way that suits their body and their life.
There is no one size fits all when it comes to food, exercise, lifestyle and healing. My approach to nutrition and health coaching is based entirely on YOU and your goals and needs. Together we will work through your challenges and symptoms, uncover the causes and put in place a way forward that will help you to regain your health and wellbeing.
We will discuss and plan a very specific wellness protocol for you to implement into your daily life. It will not involve weighing food, counting calories, or following a rigid diet that leaves you feeling hungry and stressed. What it will do, is give you the confidence to apply nutrition principles to your daily eating, eating out, getting takeaway and going to a social function.
The process I use is referred to as coaching. It is a very supportive process where I will give you a set of carefully planned and personally specific strategies that will help you to successfully achieve a level of physical and mental wellness that will put you on the road to feeling amazing. You will gain a tool kit of skills and knowledge and a level of confidence that will enable you to take control of your health journey.
Nutrition and Health Coaching includes
➤ A full nutrition and lifestyle assessment
➤ Nutrition and lifestyle recommendations
➤ Reading material
➤ A meal plan and recipes
➤ A probiotic tasting
➤ A body composition analysis (optional)
Are you confused about what you should be eating? Have you reached a time in your life when you want to take some control of how you feel? Does your eating sometimes feel crazy? Would you like to take better care of yourself?
Well, good nutrition, physical activity and relaxation can help you to reach a feeling of wellness that will help you to feel like you are in charge of you. Nutrients that feed your body will help you to maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and heart disease and promote a feeling of good health with the energy to enjoy each day.
Nutrition is medicine! It has the ability to heal, build and sustain you in a way that can help you feel strong today, tomorrow and in your ageing years.
Sports Nutrition
Whether you want to build muscle, develop endurance, tone up or just feel a bit fitter, food and lifestyle choices can help you to achieve the outcome.
Exercise requires energy and this can come from your food intake or from your body’s stored energy reserves. Which one you want to use, will depend on your goals and this will influence food type, quantity, frequency and timing. If your desire is to build lean muscle and reduce body fat, then it’s absolutely necessary to target the nutrients that can help you to achieve that.
For those people focused on performance, recent sports nutrition research has changed how food is used to enhance an outcome. People are targeting specific use of low GI and unprocessed carbohydrates, while others are trying intermittent fasting and fat adapted training as a way to get the best out of their body. What does remain consistent is that eating well for physical activity and sport, allows people to perform well, reduce the risk of injury, improve recovery and enjoy being active.
Weight Management
Controlling your weight is far more complex than eating less and exercising more. If you are someone who has had to manage your weight all of your life, you know how difficult it is. To give your body what it needs to work at an optimum metabolic level, the first place you need to start is your gut. Yes, your gut bacteria, AKA your microbiome and your hormones are the key to weight management.
The link between gut health and weight is at the centre of recent scientific research. A personalized eating plan can alter your gut bacteria within days. This mean that in a short space of time, you can begin to feel better, lighter, clearer in the mind and happier. This doesn’t mean you need to starve yourself. There is no need to count calories, weigh food, count points or eliminate nutrient groups. It’s not about being perfect. It’s much more about eating in a way that tastes good, is realistic, sustainable and easy. Small changes make a significant difference and small changes that become habits will help you to get to your goal weight and stay there.
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our rates
Initial consultation $120.00
Follow up consultation $50.00
Body Composition Analysis $10.00
nutrition Wellness Package $350
Description of the package in a sentence would be good. This would be ideal if you are looking for structure, to hit a goal to be accountable etc. etc.
1 hour initial consultation
5 x 30 min follow up consultations
1 bottle of probiotic kefir for improved gut health
1kg Aprille Seed Mix for breakfast
Goal setting that is specific, measurable, achievable and realistic
Meal plans
Lifestyle analysis and recommendations
Body composition analysis at week 1 and week 6 (muscle mass, fat mass, bone mass, hydration, visceral fat, metabolic age)
$415 of value for $350
The health benefits of an eating plan that includes plenty of good fat, a moderate amount of protein and is free of processed carbohydrates:
improved metabolic function, better hunger and appetite control
greater blood sugar control
easier weight loss and maintenance
better ageing, mental clarity and sleep
lower inflammation, reduced blood pressure and improved cholesterol
reduced bloating, wind and flatulence
improved fertility and maternal environment
improved immune function
improved menopausal symptoms
decreased anxiety and mood swings
improved behaviour in children with ADHD and Autism Spectrum
sustained energy availability during exercise